
Financial planning is …

  1. A critical first step. First plan, and then invest – so you know what you’re investing is about.
  2. An ongoing habit. Stay the course in volatile markets by keeping your own financial goals relevant over time.
  3. A personal event. A balancing act across and among your family’s fascinating, challenging, personal, professional and financial circumstances.

Common analysis include (but are not limited to):

  • Objective second opinions on existing portfolios (complimentary)
  • Retirement planning
  • Cash flow and income needs
  • College funding
  • Insurance planning
  • Estate planning
  • Evaluating employee benefits

© PIEtech, Inc. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved.


Our financial planning process is …

  1. Disciplined, so you stay on track to reaching your goals.
  2. Flexible, to address the particulars you face and not waste your time on those that you don’t.
  3. Fee-only priced, for transparent and cost-effective value you can measure.

Some real-world examples of planning that we have done:

  • Income planning and investment management for a couple retiring early
  • The unexpected loss of a spouse
  • Evaluating lump sum payouts and early retirement offers
  • Estate planning for out-of-state property
  • Consolidating random accounts into a coherent investment portfolio
  • Managing a large inheritance/estate